
Maplewood, MN

(651) 447-4149


When you or someone close to you is ready receive professional help for an addiction, the choice of substance abuse treatment facility you make is of the utmost importance.


We understand how important this is at our drug rehab center in Maplewood, Minnesota. Our professional staff take the safety and comfort of our clients seriously. We are committed to helping you or your loved one recover in an environment that is welcoming and secure. When you are in the process of choosing a drug rehab facility, you will have many factors to take into consideration. This can be one of the biggest decisions of your life. At our Maplewood addiction recovery center, we work individually with clients to manage the effects of addiction and identify the issues that have led to your addiction so that you have the best possible opportunity for a full addiction recovery.


One of the ways that we approach this is through a thorough intake assessment. When you or your loved once first enter our Maplewood addiction recovery facility, we speak with you to learn about your particular needs and what has led you to us. This includes discussing the history and severity of your addiction. All of this information is critical to developing a treatment plan that is tailored to you. While we will update your treatment plan accordingly over time, the information we receive in this first assessment is crucial.


From that point, we will determine whether detoxification may be needed. This is quite common for many people entering our addiction treatment center in Maplewood. It is not at all unusual for clients to need help with detox services. In our drug detox clinic, we provide a fully monitored environment for the client’s comfort and safety. Once the detox process has been completed, you can then begin working your way through the treatment plan.


For many people, this also includes a process known as dual diagnosis. While in an addiction recovery program, it often comes to light that many clients also suffer from a variety of other disorders and conditions in addition to their addiction. Our goal is to address these issues from the beginning. When left untreated, such conditions can complicate the recovery process. Should that happen, it will become increasingly difficult for the addiction to be treated and for the client to have the best chance at recovery.


Along with dual diagnosis, we also provide a number of other treatment services. We provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment in which clients can feel free to share about their experiences. It can often prove helpful for clients to discover they are not alone in the struggles they have experienced related to their addiction. We also provide behavioral and cognitive therapy to help clients understand the source of their addiction, factors that can trigger addictive behavior, and effective coping strategies to help them avoid the possibility of relapse.


Our services also include individual counseling as well as group counseling. Both types of counseling services can be helpful for the purposes of addiction education and learning how to develop healthy new behaviors that do not rely on addictive patterns.


We also understand that the struggle with addictive behavior does not end when you leave our Maplewood drug rehab facility. Although we provide you with the tools to manage your recovery once you leave, continued services are also important. Our array of aftercare services can provide you with the ongoing support you need to maintain your recovery. In addition to continue group and individual counseling services, we are also pleased to provide the opportunity for clients to make the transition into a halfway house if they are not quite ready to try living on their own immediately.


If you or someone close to you is ready to take the first step toward addiction recovery, we are here to help at the Odell Detox addiction treatment facility in Maplewood, Minnesota. Regardless of how long you have struggled with addiction, you can get the help you need.